Monday, June 25, 2007

Red Bissap Juice (Zobo)

This drink can claim various origins. From Egypt (karkadeh) to Senegal (bissap) to Nigeria (zobo), it is prepared and enjoyed more or less the same way. A minor difference is that Egyptians do drink it warm or cold. It is served daily in Senegal but also for special occasions. The main ingredient is the flower and leaf of the hibiscus sabdariffa or roselle pods. Because of the tartness of the beverage, it takes quite a bit of sugar to make it sweet. It is said to be high antioxidants such as vitamin C and polyphenols.

Jus de Bissap Rouge
Makes 1 liter

  • 200g of dried bissap (dried hibiscus flowers)
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (NOT vanilla essence)
  • 1 teaspoon of orange flower water (eau de fleur d'oranger) (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon of nutmeg
  • 5 t0 10 fresh mint leaves
  • 1.2 l water (to allow for some loss to evaporation)
  1. Rinse the bissap leaves and bring to a boil. Turn off and let the mixture sit for 1 hour. Strain using a sieve or muslin.
  2. Add all the remaining ingredients, finishing with the mint leaves.
  3. Refrigerate before serving.


  1. I am allowed to be lazy even though you threw in a recipe. Please I need some bissap (aka Zobo or Zoborodo drink as we call it in Jos) next time we see you!

  2. hello Rama. I've just discovered your blog and love the recipes. will you be updating it soon?
    take care:)

  3. how much water that i need for this recipe . nice blog
